Alright, my friends. The time has come for suggestions as to how the story should begin! I have created a short template that will make it easier for me to sort through suggestions with an open note option at the end for anything else you want to add. Please use this template to make suggestions in this post in the comments section. (Just copy and paste). Fill it out as you see fit. If you don't have any particular suggestions, then leave the space blank or write NA.
Some General Explanations:
--Genre: The style. Is it Literary Fiction? Sci-fi? Fantasy? Paranormal Romance? Historical Fiction? Anything you can think of that you like to read.--Setting: Where is it taking place? The past? The present? The future? A parallel universe? A foreign land? On the back of an elephant?
--Rules: Every universe has rules, especially ones that are set within the world of fantasy. Magic comes at a cost. What would the cost of magic be? Is there a sort of government? Different creatures? Can animals talk? Are there psychic powers? Is there an entaglement of romantic interests? Is the grass a hyper-active shade of blue? Can parallel universes only contact each other at a certain point--or will they never know that each one exists?
--Characters: Do you have a suggestion of any character or attributes that the character should have? Do they have a twitch? A limp? A shady or golden past? Have you ever seen someone in passing that you would like to know what their life was all about?
--Plot Ideas: Where should this story go? Do you have any feelings as to a general outline or where they are going? Do the main characters arrive at some epiphany? Is there an overarching adventure? Hero or Heroine?
--Notes: Any other ideas about the direction the story should take? Write anything else that comes to your mind here.
If you do not have a blog/google account and you somehow cannot make comments on the blog, feel free to participate via facebook. I have included a document that covers these parameters here:
TheOWE: Facebook Document-"The Baseline"
(Copy and paste this template into a comment and post there! I look forward to your ideas! I have a few of my own that I will post in the comments as well. If you like any of them let me know. Talk to you soon!)
Faithfully yours--Josh B.